As usual, some launch bugs corrected

After massively testing the game, I corrected some important issues making the game not work as desired.

In fact, the NPCs were trolling themselves, with no help on my side.

  1. Added some invisible walls to make the NPCs to be further from the crystal walls: it caused the weird issues related to queues moving from inside the building to out of it (being the opposite also true), causing a big havoc in the vaccination flow.
  2. The first flow security guard now does nothing. In the past he/she was a control point, to avoid the NPCs go inside the building from the exit, but it reached a point in the game I needed to control it in another way. So now he/she is meaningless. Noone. I only left he/she here cause when I was vaccinated, there was a security guard at that point of the building.
  3. Removed some cones from near the same guard to avoid NPCs having problems moving when the queue becomes large (it is a change of direction and it makes that point incredible problematic)
  4. Changed the desks organization, to let the NPCs move a little more freely, in that area.
  5. Removed the baked light textures. I changed the scenario a little and I have no time to bake it all again.
  6. Troll music now plays in cycles. In the past, it played one time and no more
  7. A suggestion of my wife. Were you're in troll mode, and you speak (or someone speaks to you), time moves to a real pace instead of the 5x faster that goes in-game.

Files 64 MB
Version 1.0.3 Jun 26, 2021

Get Don't TROLL and be Vaccinated

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